Membership forms are available from the PACC during office hours 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday except public holidays.
In order to apply for membership, all application must have read and agreed with the aims and objectives of the Pakistan American Cultural Center Membership of PACC is subject to the approval of the Governing Board.
To provide a Center in Karachi and elsewhere in Pakistan designed to develop and promote relations of friendship and understanding between the people of Pakistan and United States of America.
Associate Membership
Any person who is not Pakistani or an American is eligible to become an Associate Member of the Center and shall enjoy all the benefits of an Annual Member. The Associate Member shall not be in position to vote at the Annual General Meeting.
Life / Annual Membership
Membership in the Center is open to any citizen of Pakistan or the United States, eighteen years of the age or older. The Life and Annual Membership of the Center shall be open to all citizens of Pakistan and America who subscribe to this constitution, pay the required fee and are approved by the Governing Board for membership. The application must first, however, be proposed and seconded by members in good standing.